Black Crows Have Landed | Why We Care
Posted by Lauren on Nov 29th 2018
Black Crows Women's skis...
Have you heard of them? If not, it's time to take a look. The independent ski company, born in Chamonix in 2006, has been slowly but steadily making its mark on the ski industry. Named for the hoards of black crows that consistently hang out in the French Alps it is one of the few “indie” ski brands to make it past being pressed in someone’s garage.Their designs are now manufactured in major factories like Elans in Slovenia. Over ten years in, they are now a top player in the ski market with a full line of mens, womens, junior and touring skis that are giving the big guys a run for their money.
So what are they doing different? First off, they have an unique, fun look that catches everyone’s eye. The company's founders, Camille Jaccoux and Bruno Compagnet were struggling on graphics for their new ski line when they phoned friend Yorgo Tloupas, a french designer to help them. He came up with the simple yet bold look for the skis that has carried forward to this day. We all know that looks aren’t everything though and they have come through on ski construction by crafting skis that will handle all types of terrain as well as all levels of skiers.
By working with Julien Regnier, one of the ski designers employed by Rossignol during the creation of the immensely popular S7, they have been able to hit the sweet spot for a large range of skiers with their skis. The two models outdoor DIVAS has picked up for this season are the Captis Birdie and Camox Birdie. The Captis Birdie is a beautiful teal and has a 90mm waist and slightly softer construction. Definitely a great choice for the intermediate looking for a ski that will take them all over the mountain and help them progress to the next level. Also, a great ski for a more advanced skier who loves the bumps. The Camox is built for that slightly more advanced skier looking to hunt powder. At 97mm it could be your one quiver ski for the west or a great addition to something narrower to take out on those soft snow days. Easy to handle in any kind of snow, fresh powder or chopped up crud, this ski has already become a staff favorite.
We are excited to see where Black Crows will continue to venture in the coming seasons with such a great platform of skis in the mix already. They have a whimsical approach to their line, giving skis different mottos on the sidewall such as “if you don’t like me, unfollow me” Or “we need to talk.” We like that they don’t take themselves too seriously, but do make some seriously fun skis!